I'm left with one month plus to go, approx 5 weeks to finals.
I'm starting to question what have I been doing for the past 4 months, now that I've finished all the classes. O.o WTH. Time flies super fast this time. Perhaps I'm not used to the fact I'll be facing finals EVERY 5 MONTHS.
The period of time for me to absord something so alien and new is soooo short! The previous semester wasn't so bad for I've studied some of them before and they are pretty basic.
Can someone please kill me? RIGHT NOW?
Yeah, I find it irritating too when I read blogs where people complain about what's going on with their life. So, from this point onwards, I do not wish to see any blogpost of you rambling and complaining stuffs for no reasons, Vivian.
Now, go study. You're in the library! Wth.
Anddddd, the answer is NO. I'm totally not ready for the finals this June.
I might look like I am but damn, am I really that good at faking faces these days?
Vivian C.
firefly(s) (1)
Vivian C.
firefly(s) (1)
and it is complicated.
My heart skipped a beat whenever you do that and history is repeating itself once again.
Let's not dwell on that any further.
I miss you.
Vivian C.
firefly(s) (0)
I miss him grumbling like everyone is meant to be perfect
I miss him glaring at me for disturbing the peaceful night
I miss him sitting on his favourite spot of the sofa set in the living room
I miss him being all egoistic most of the time
I miss him acting all stupid by kicking the cats
I miss him enjoying his meals esp when there's fish
I can't believe he had left us all for more than 2 weeks.