Lala~ sorry for not bloggin for quite sometime. Been pretty busy with schoolworks and stuff.
Jus recently, went for a gymnast performance by Danish gymnast team. and it was damn cool!! though i still can't believe they can actually do all the stunts.. it was like so fake ok!!
I get to know this thru my school teacher, Pn.Chee.. She announced it in the morning but the response was pretty poor. But but! After recess, she let the fifth and third formers to watch a preview and it damn chun!!! I mean, it's like so coooool.. but honestly, i never thought of going, until my dearest friend Chris came looking for me in my own class after watching it. *smiles* Teddy joined us.. and TADA!!!
and there you go! me happily bought the tickets WITHOUT arranging my transport with my mom. smart i tell you.. the ticket cost RM10 each. Student price. Hmm.. anything lor. Luckily mom didnt scold me or anything. She even agreed to fetch chris! lol..
At about 6, fetched chris to titiwangsa.. and we walked around the stadium, using our superb analytic skill to find the perfect spot to watch the performance and all.. and EUREKA! we found it alright! was quite high compared to the VIPs are seated.. lol. not bad le..
.... and yes. i dun like sitting roller coasters. I would feel sick. VERY sick. the last time i tried them when i was in kindergarden?? I dunno.. many many years ago la.
Anyway, back to the EoM ride.. ... once we wanted to take a pic of three of us, teddy had to walk over to me and chris's side.. OMG. The gondola tilted!!!! LOL!!! I screamt and.. fast fast took the pic and call teddy to go back to her side. lol.. heheh..
yeah la.. i jus discovered my new fear. thanks to EoM. And i was so eager to sit on EoM before this... aiseh! *smack*
Yeah, after that, went to the stadium.. Watched the show. The performance was great. and fake. lol. they did so many somersaults till i myself felt dizzy. >_<
what about teddy u ask? LOOK!! ahhahahahahaha
Don't you think his smile looks strange? he didn't even look at the camera. weird case la. lol. WAKAKKAKAAKKAKA!! =P~ hehe..
Fetched Chris and Teddy home.. Only Reached home only about 12. heh. mom gonna slaughter me if the next Friday also like this..
1 firefly(s):
Hehehe... It's nice to play shaking on top of the 'world'! LOL.
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