Had a lill outing with my buddies on the first day of Raya. Surprisingly, there weren't many people at MidValley ;)
Cheryl, Shu, LipChin, Vian.
Chit-chatted at McD while waiting for me to have my lunch. ;P
Just in case you people wondering, Cheryl is doing ADP now at Taylor's. Shu just got back from a Matriks college in Pahang while LipChin doing her CAT.
Me? Form 6 la, doinks! Heh.

Back to the outing.. We chose to watch Mamma Mia that day! and it was damn funny. That was my very first time watchin musical movie in a cinema. lol. and I didn't know Pierce Brosnan can sing! LOL. The movie kinda influenced me to stuff my ipod with every ABBA songs my dad have.. =PP
After the movie, we went for ice cream at Gelato Fruity.
Cookies flavour
Strawberry + Pineapple flavour.
I was the one who chose the flavours! =D
That is all~
This time lesser people mainly because of the Finals coming right after the holidays. Oh well.. But we still had a great time together. Next outing I hope would be during the Nov-Dec holidays k!
Wanna go to the KLCC skybridge again. =PPP
Back to studies.. Ta =D
Vivian C.
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