I'm so easily get influenced la. =( And the fact that I blushes easily is disabling me to make the poker face.
I'm feeling damn sleepy now.
Got my second cheque today. Don't ask me to treat you guys or whatsoever. I will, when I feel like it. If I don't, don't bug me.
Ate YeeSang with friends today for lunch. Yeah, and that's about it.
Tomorrow is "Hari Wilayah." Another public holiday. *sigh*
Going school this Saturday with Val and Teddy to see Mrs. Rozario. Ngeh ehhehehe... Got presents for us wor. XD Can't wait.
After which, I will be having my fourth driving lesson. *weak smile*
Dah. Eyes dropping d. Wonder how long I'll take to get my ass of the chair I'm sitting at..
XD! Hah! Took this photo when I was studying for SPM, having a lill' break from studies. And that's a piece of bread with butter in my mouth. =D
Lol. I look so cute and young. Heh. Perasan. Minus the eye bags. =="
I miss my long hair btw. But I'm comfortable with my current hair style =D No?

Still tak biasa tengok?
=D Well?
... I ter-rasa my creativity 'terbantut' jor.
The MAIN reason I've not been posting many photos was because I'm scared. Not lazy.
I don't think I have the courage to get my camera out whenever I want to. Especially in the office, which I think things are suppose to look more serious in here.
And camera = not serious, therefore, is a no-no in office, I think.
Especially when you're alone with your colleagues and not your close friends.
When I was in school, it's a total different environment la!!!! Got so many 'kaki' to take photos with. They don't give you a weird look if you brought your camera out. INSTEAD, they'll hover around you and start taking photos with you! =D lol. This reminds me of Lynnett Yip. XD
Was looking at my archieves. So many nice photos I took la. With friends, school building, and some random photos.
Remember the "Under The Table" theme thingy photos @ CBN? Where Teddy, Kim, and I went to the extent to capture pics of us UNDER the table?
There's also my Port Dickson trip. It was just another casual trip, just abit further from usual. But the photos I'd captured..
Ah.. the memories~
Wonder when I'll get my courage back to bring my camera out wherever I go.. and I mean ANYWHERE. Not only for events and stuffx going on..
P.S: Me can't sleep. Slept from 7-11pm just now. Got work. Gonna sleep soon. Zzzzzz~
Life is so sad. And in a way, not fair.
That was not the first time I felt bored and jobless at my office. Today, I was officially JOBLESS for FEW HOURS and doing practically NOTHING but YET you have to ACT like you're WORKING.
Like Jess said, THAT was so much more worse than actually having some work to do, where you can focus on the job, not even realizing so much time had slipped. I kept looking at the watch, wondering why it's still so early for lunch. Lunch at 12.30pm btw. Waited from the morning, killing some time by updating my index list for both fixed income and annual reports SLOWLY. =( And helping Aunt Carmen abit on filing.
When it's ALMOST but NOT lunch yet, I think I've already entered the 'internal rotting' process of mine. *sobs*
And when it's lunchtime, it DOESN'T help much. Minus the fact that it kinda reduced my "loneliness level" since I'm having lunch with Teddy and Cheryl. = I still can't get myself to smile, knowing I still have a half day left at the office to live through.
=( And yeah. I can online. Sure. But my pc is using WINDOWS 95!!!!!!!!! SO VERY THE NOISY AND SLOW!!!!!!!! I had to wait for almost HALF AN HOUR to wait for it to TELL ME that it's SAFE to SHUT your PC. ==" Usually at home I just left it to shut down by itself.. ish.
When I was having a chat with the receptionist outside my floor, she can't help laughing at me!! And she thought SHE and one of the internal audit people were the few laupeh ones with WINDOWS 98.
See see I lagi lauya than them by having a pc using WINDOWS 95. If I'm not mistaken, I was about 8 years old I think when I started using a pc with WINDOWS 95 system ok!!!!!!! And THAT'S where I started!! My starting point of getting myself involved with IT stuff.
And to think that having a pc at house so much more high tech than the one at office.. oh dear. ~_~ Got degraded from XP to 95!!!!!!
Another thing I am feeling so depressed about is that...
OMG. So sad.. =(
Yeah, been using WebMessenger whenever I get the chance to use the pc. Don't usually sit at my place where my pc is. My job was 99% manual. Alot of arrangements of reports alphabetically.. and you know, stuff like that.
I KNOW!!!!
It's sad to know that your friends have so much work to do, when you have none but kept complaining to them how bored you are. =( You think I feel good meh..
And oh! I got work in the end. Till now still haven't finish. =D so happy la at that moment. Somehow, I don't like the fact that I'm getting paid to 'goyang kaki.'
Call me silly, but that's just what I am. =)
And yeaaaaaaa baby, i'll make a good employee in future. =D
TS coming back tmr. Can't wait.
Till next entry, see you!
Oh hohohoho~~
I feel more mature la lately. Maybe cause of all the exposure I've been getting since I've started working. =D Minus the numerous times of me getting embarrassed cuz of something stupid and ended up blushing for quite some time..
Working clothes.. ==" They're like so standard la. More serious type. But of all the clothes right, I like the stripe shirt wan. Vertical ones. Don't you think so?
Urm.. No? No? =D And I was just trying some new brushes I just found online. Nice Nice?!! Just experimenting.. Hmm... Not a prof yet. Nvm.
28th January 2008, Monday
Went to make my EPF account with Cheryl, Teddy and Pui Yan. Nearby the Welds Tower. Apparently, as a temporary staff of Jerneh, you have to open your own EPF account. So, fine lo. Took a half day leave from work just for the EPF. TS not around anyway.. So, can abandon my job for awhile.
I EXPECTED that we'll be walking ALOT. But I chose the wrong shoes!! Should had chose the flatter one.. but.. oh well. =(
After getting our EPF thingy done, a couple of very embarrassing moments occurred and =( why can't they stop laughing at me. I'm LEARNING, in a way, by following them walking around KL. =( Can't be more understanding meh..
For instance, I learnt that you should TELL where you wanna go BEFORE having your seat in a taxi.
Fine. Never mind. Most of you should know d by now anyway.
Am not a person who takes taxi a lot also... So, can't blame me for being so blur that time.
Went Sg.Wang area with Cheryl to shop for clothes.
=( Shopping was tiring. And I couldn't find the shirt I wanted at BG. I saw it two weeks ago.. but.. Hmmm... Shopped with Cheryl for a sweater. She made me feel like buying a new one for myself also la. Mengada.
Started shopping from 3+ till 5.30. We covered Sg.Wang, BB Plaza, some shops infront of BB Plaza and even Lot10! In the end, I couldn't even buy a cloth for myself...
After walking for so long, we took a break and ordered a waffle to eat =D Come and take a look!
Was feeling pretty full after eating half of the waffle. Feeling guilty.. So, instead of taking BB monorail station, we walked quite a distance and took the Bukit Nanas station. lol. Mad jor...
Legs damn tired after the long walk. *sigh*
Btw, Cheryl suggested Sogo to buy clothes.. So, going with mom&sis this Friday/Saturday =)
29th January 2008, Tuesday
Here's a few photos we took at office while waiting the rain to pass.
And nah! =D A total of FOUR ex-CBNers now working at the company.
In less than an hour, I'll be having my third driving lesson. Hopefully after what happened yesterday, there will be some improvement lo. =(
I miss school. SMK CONVENT BUKIT NANAS. *sigh*
Oh, another thing I wanna tell is that I noticed I have not been taking much photos this year. Of myself. Me and me only. =( In another word, camwhore la donkey. Ish.
=( I want more photos on my bloggie. I want! Grrr...
Another driving lesson tomorrow. Somehow, I got a feeling I'll need MORE than 8hours to master the driving skills.
Btw, remember this k.
I can FFK people.
Other people CANNOT FFK ME.
Same goes for IGNORING ME.
You don't like to get ignored? Really?
Oh, lemme tell you something.
I've been waiting since this afternoon. Trying to grab any chance I can by conquering the pc just to have a chat with you or two. It has been awhile since YOU last onlined.
And when we both do, you started IGNORING ME.
Call me ter-oversensitive or whatever. I don't like that.
Or am I losing more and more friends?
And all that's left is just you?
I hate my WMP. I just don't like it. Must I have a reason not to like it?!
And I want a new camera. The one which has a smile shutter or whatever.
Need to buy CNY clothes. I need. I must.
I rather work than staying at home, doing nothing at all. At least I'll get paid for what I've done. And have a bit of fun lill' here and there.
Why did I even bother to.. to..
Like WTH je.
Wisdom teeth are the upper and lower third molars, located at the very back of the mouth. They are called wisdom teeth because usually they come in when a person is between 17 and 21 years or older—old enough to have gained some "wisdom." Wisdom teeth that are healthy and properly positioned do not cause problems.
What causes problems with wisdom teeth?
Wisdom teeth may break partway through your gums, causing a flap of gum tissue to grow over them where food can become trapped and a gum infection can develop. Wisdom teeth can also come in crooked or facing the wrong direction. Or, if your jaw is not large enough to give them room, they may become impacted and unable to break through your gums. You may have trouble properly cleaning around wisdom teeth because they are so far in the back of your mouth and may be crowded.
What are the symptoms of wisdom tooth problems?
Wisdom teeth often cause no symptoms. Symptoms that may mean your wisdom teeth need to be removed include:
- Pain or jaw stiffness near an impacted tooth.
- Pain or irritation from a tooth coming in at an awkward angle and rubbing against your cheek, tongue, or top or bottom of the mouth.
- An infected swelling in the flap of gum tissue that has formed on top of an impacted tooth that has partially broken through the gum.
- Crowding of other teeth.
- Tooth decay or gum disease if there's not enough room to properly care for the wisdom tooth and surrounding teeth.
- Most problems with wisdom teeth develop in people between the ages of 15 and 25. Few people older than 30 develop problems that require removal of their wisdom teeth.
How are problems with wisdom teeth diagnosed?
Your dentist will examine your teeth and gums for signs of a wisdom tooth coming through your gum or crowding other teeth. You will have X-rays to find out whether your wisdom teeth are causing problems now or are likely to cause problems in the future.
What is the treatment for wisdom tooth problems?
The most common treatment for wisdom tooth problems is removal (extraction) of the tooth. Experts disagree about whether to remove a wisdom tooth that is not causing symptoms or problems. Oral surgeons generally agree that removing a wisdom tooth is easier in younger people (usually in their early 20s), when the tooth's roots and the jawbone are not completely developed. In the late 20s and older, the jawbone tends to get harder, and healing generally takes longer
The original article is right here.
The reason why I posted about Wisdom Tooth??
Simple! I'm having THREE right now. And one is causing a problem.
And I'm not happy.
Therefore, I'm gonna scare all of you now by letting you read this!
Another article I read after the Wisdom Tooth article is this. Fine. I know you guys are lazy to click here just to read that article.., therefore being the jobless me, I've decided to copy and paste them to here. =)
The Order of Health
Firstborn, middle child, or youngest? Here's what your family ranking reveals about your medical destiny
Your oldest child is running for class president; the baby is running away from home. Birth order theories of personality make great cocktail party fodder. Just don't try them on the psychologist standing near the hors d'oeuvres table — experts have been arguing for years about whether family position can account for kids' personality differences, and there's no resolution in sight. But your oldest child has allergies? Your youngest broke yet another bone? Now you're talking.
Surprise: There's increasing evidence that your place in the family lineup can have an impact on your physical health — sometimes small, but in some cases substantial. Of course, there's nothing you (or your spouse or kids) can do to change your birth order. But you can make sure to enjoy the benefits that come with it — and steer clear of the risks. Here, a birth order-based cheat sheet to help you and your loved ones beat your odds of allergies, asthma, accidents, and more.
The Good News: A study in Science magazine showed that firstborns score an average of 3 points higher on IQ tests than their younger siblings. And being brainy goes along with better health, found a study from the University of Glasgow that suggests children who scored higher on IQ tests were less likely to develop coronary heart disease and some cancers.
Watch For:
- Allergies and asthma: In a review of over 50 studies, researchers found that oldest kids are more likely to suffer from allergies, hay fever, eczema, and even asthma (me got! me got!). The reason might be that firstborns are overprotected (o_o lol): Many are exposed to few bacteria or viruses until they start school, while younger siblings battle the bugs older sibs bring home — and therefore may develop stronger immune systems.
- Check to see if "colds" are actually allergies: If someone is constantly congested or sneezy, remember that allergies are the real culprit in about half of chronic sinus infections. "An allergy's most prominent symptom is an itchy nose — not a runny nose," says Amal Assa'ad, MD, a professor of allergy and immunology at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. "And allergies don't come with fevers, aches, or chills."
- Testicular cancer: A study from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm found that firstborn men have a greater risk of testicular cancer. The eldest is typically exposed to higher estrogen levels in the womb than later-born sibs — which may up his risk of disease.
- Keep an eye out: This relatively rare cancer can strike men as young as in their teens but is curable if found at an early stage. If your husband's family has a history of this disease, the American Cancer Society suggests monthly self-exams, after a warm bath or shower.
Middle Child
The Good News: Your risk of gum disease is 5% lower, probably because your immune system got an early workout from the germs your older brother or sister brought home and is better able to dispatch oral bacteria.
Watch For:
- Depression: "Middle children tend to have lower self-esteem than first- or last-borns, perhaps because parents are busy with the other kids," says Frank J. Sulloway, PhD, author of Born to Rebel. A University of Wisconsin study found that parents spent less money and nearly 10% less time caring for them, compared with older or younger kids. And a University of Pennsylvania study found middle kids reported significantly more depressive symptoms.
- Make sure second-born isn't second-class:"Kids who think they don't get enough attention may feel down or defeated, so tack on extra time for the middle," says Jennifer Hartstein, PsyD, a psychologist at the Child and Family Institute of the St. Luke's and Roosevelt Hospitals in New York City. "If you're running to the supermarket, ask your middle child to come along."
- Chronic fatigue syndrome (o.O):Preliminary research from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey suggests that middle kids are slightly more likely to suffer from CFS than their younger or older siblings.
- Know the signs: If you feel exhausted for 6 months, and rest doesn't help, you may have CFS; for children and adolescents, it's 3 months. "Remember, healthy kids don't make excuses so they can skip trips to theme parks or sleepovers," says Donnica Moore, MD, president of the Sapphire Women's Health Group in Far Hills, NJ.
- Minimize your risk:Experts say CFS may be triggered by an infection — so good hygiene, staying current with vaccines, and healthy eating may offer you protection.
The Good News: Your risk of allergies is lower, thanks to those hand-me-down germs (=="). Another benefit of being the baby: In Italian research, young adults who grew up with older siblings were 10% less likely to develop Hodgkin's disease than only children.
Watch For:
- Accidents and preventable diseases (*swt*) :A 2005 study of childhood accidents at a Jerusalem ER found that kids with three or more siblings were 50% more likely to be injured than those from smaller families. When parents are spread thin and supervision gets lax, other important protections can fall by the wayside, too: A study of London-born children found their odds of being vaccinated decreased 20% for each additional child in the family.
- Be vigilant:Vaccinate your kids — and talk with your doctor about whether you should roll up your own sleeve. You may benefit from shots that weren't available when you were younger and may need boosters for others.
- Risky behavior:Youngest kids go through puberty 3 months earlier on average than their older siblings, according to one analysis of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. "Early puberty can cause an increase in risk taking," says lead author Joseph Rodgers, PhD, of the University of Oklahoma. Youngest children start having sex about 2 months earlier than their older brothers and sisters; they're also more likely to smoke cigarettes.
- Communicate: "Dabbling in risky behavior is part of being a teen," says Hartstein. "So ask questions — and don't shy away from any they may ask. Peer pressure is real, but parents have a huge protective influence, too."
.... I was pretty amazed at how accurate the article is about me. XD Me! Being the first child.
What do YOU think??
XD Nice not my new template?
Btw, I finished my second driving lesson today. And O_o I was so damn scared ok.. I drove around KL today! LOL
XD Sei fo (I don't know how to say this in English.. ~_~) a few times on the road. People honked at me. Got VERY panic. Uhuk.. Why can't they be more understanding.. This is my only SECOND time driving ok..
Hmm.. Drove back to Sentul to learn the "3 penjuru" something at the centre. It was ok la. Not bad. Just follow instruction je.
Got a bit of problem with driving up the hill. ~_~ Tomorrow I'm going to master that again. Not enough time. =P
Overall, ok la... today very panicky on the road.. Oh well.
K9's Day 2008 @ Central Park. Right beside 1U. Held on the 20th January 2008.
This is my SECOND dog event I'd attended. And *cough* if it weren't for my uncle, I wouldn't be able to go lor!! =) So, special thanks to both my aunt and uncle for giving me a lift FROM MY HOUSE and to stay overnight at their house esp for the K9's Day. =D
Few days before, I've been telling and inviting a few friends of mine to join me. But none of them wanted to come. Some, like Teddy Mak, was afraid of dogs. She said she might faint or dunno-what and she don't like dogs barking at her. ~_~ So, fine. Maybe I've asked the wrong person lo.
BUT GUESS WHAT!!! Right after the event, I simply ask MeiYan and she said SHE DIDN'T KNOW THERE WAS THIS EVENT AND SHE WOULD'VE GONE THERE.
.... my bad, then.
Lots of photos ahead. I'll TRY and elaborate. We didn't do much there. Spiky, aunt and uncle's lab, didn't join any games. So.. oh well. =)
As you can see, Spiky grabbed lotsa attention that day. Cuz he was the only lab wearing a costume. A footballer from Argentina. No.9. Can you see it? Hmm..
Ronaldo? Beckham? I dunno.. Lol. Those were the only two famous footballers I remembered though.. Never mind!
The costume looks cute on Spiky, but.. the shorts were too loose!!! Uncle had to pull up his pants all the time until he found a way to maintain the position of the shorts.. which looked pretty ugly. *Swt*
Nah. This is my aunt who likes to nag and scold people wan. She looks cute in this photo right? Angelic hor? But WAIT TILL YOU DISCOVERED HER TRUE NATURE. Hmph!
... Wait!! That was just a joke! You seriously believed what I said?!!! Noooo~~~ where got!! =P
Tadah! Spiky can't wait to kai-kai! [... which also means jalan2. Geddit?]
Saw LOTS of dogs, again. =) As expected la. It's the K9's Day afterall.. where dog owners get to spend time with their dogs while their dogs socialize.
Or something like that. =)
When we finally found a spot to place the mat, me went and walk around the lake with my uncle and Spiky.
Heh. There are two labrador retrievers in the photo below here. And *cough* Spiky looked so short standing besides that another lab!!!
According to the owner, the lab just got back from Aus 3 months ago. Ahhh~~ Imported geh. Chih. But seriously got different wan woh~ Hmmm....
St. Bernard. Hmph. While I was taking this close-up photo of the St.Bernard, that dog BARKED in front of me! So scary ok.. I thought I'm gonna lose my camera, or worse still, my HEAD.
And the owner didn't even say anything. So grumpy looking the owner. Hmph. Like what I said to uncle, "Like owner, like dog." HMPH.
I love huskies. Always do.
Was so excited when I saw a whole bunch of huskies with their owners together at a corner.
Blue eyes~~~ Waaaa~~~ But I heard huskies tend to have health problems with theirs cause of their iris colors. Hmmm....
But still nice leh!! XD
The young husky was very playful. Kept sniffing Spiky which was pretty much exhausted after walking a few rounds around the lake.
Cute? XD hahahah...
Aunt pouring water for Spiky. So 'gah sai'. Ish.
Oh yeah, while aunt was chilling at her place, a pair of couple wanted to 'tumpang duduk' at our mat with their 3 toy dogs.
And that is Ah Quan with my aunt. Nvm if you can't see the dog's face. See my aunt enough la. lol.
After this, most of the shots we (Aunt, uncle, me) took are of us with Spiky.
After this, MOSTLY are of Aunt+Uncle+Spiky.

It was so hard to please aunt. She DEMANDED a super-nice shot of SPIKY looking at the camera.
But, no matter how many times I called "Spiky", how hard aunt try to twist his neck to look at me, he just won't!

.... I failed miserably. *looks down*

And aunt's shouting at me to call Spiky's name did NOT, i repeat, DID NOT help.

Even uncle got frustrated and was about to strangle Spiky to death. lol.


At loooooooong last!!!
Heh. I'm talented. I know. XD
A few photos of me and uncle with Spiky.

err... Cocker Spaniel... Is that how you spell this breed anyway? lol.

Heh. I love huskies! And oohhhh... Guess what!!
Heheh... I saw this HUGE BLACK husky and asked the owner whether I could take some photographs with it. And he agreed!!
The poor husky just couldn't stand still when I wanted to take a few shots with it. The owner then decided to tie the poor thing to the tree. lol.
So much better. XP. Its name is Roxy btw. =) So cuteeeee~~~

.. but ewww.... omg. Roxy's drooled on my jeans!!! Gawd.... ~_~

.... Then while I was busy shooting a few photographs of it, Roxy started to poopoo. ~_~.....

Fine. Go do your business. You really shouldn't shoo me away like this lo... ~_~

This is Ah Quan.

This is Yumie.
Awww... She looks so sleepy... Aunt kept stroking its head like this.

... while talking about dogs to the female owner (of the 3toy dogs) I suppose...

Yumie was so sleepy... Look at its eyes!

At the mean time, the male owner was busy taking some photos of Ah Quan.
Don't you think this is the CUTEST AND BEST photos of all?

Ah Qian, Ah Quan, and Yumie jumping up and down for the 'ping kan' (biscuit)

And this is Ah Quan daydreaming. lol. So, not only humans daydream k.. Rmb that. Hahahahaha...

Ah Qian. =) Not really clear the pic.. but nvm.

Hmm... And this is a female Hush Puppy.

God.. She is so old, that her barking was soooo deep and her breasts were practically dragging on the floor. Lol. Fine, I was exaggerating.

But look at her red eyes! The owner said he adopted it. No one wanted to take care of it cuz it was sooo old.
She's 13 years old btw. Tsk tsk...
Oh yeah, I saw Samantha and MeiFern volunteering (I think) at the counter on the K9's Day. lol. So berjodoh la with Samantha.
First was Pavilion. Now, K9's Day. Not bad eh.. hahahhaa..
Went back to aunt's house around 12.00pm.

Lol. Dah.. dah.. =| All very tired after the event, even though we didn't do anything. =) but it was fun!
And I wish to attend another Dog's event again. Ok? Ok? Ok?! Ok?!!!
Can? Hehhehe... I'll be a good girl ok? =D
heheh... ta!