
Shinjuku Incident
(Wanted to watch this in cinema last time. *shrugs*)

I am Legend
(I've watched this before, but I seriously don't remember the ending)

(Need to check on the game after watching this. A must!)

Men in Black 1
(I finally understood the storyline. Was too young when I first watched it. Hahah)

(So-so. No comment)

Kiss of the Dragon
(Jet Li! Lol)

Still on a Movie-marathon. Hahahaha! And I'm still watching Beyond the Realm of Conscience. Gonna ruin dad's beloved amplifier anytime soon if he doesn't change the audio setting or whatever you call it. Lol.

Rotting slowly at home. Save me?? Anyone?

Need to get some fresh air soon. Urgh.

0 firefly(s):

The Author

A student currently pursuing the ACCA qualification.

She despises Mondays, cherishes Fridays, and totally adores weekends.

Enjoys doing many typical activities.

Just another ordinary girl, until you really know her well. ;P In actual fact, I'm SUPERGIRL! *laughs*

Vivian C.

Vivian C.