Pointless things have been lingering on my mind for quite some time. I do realize that I should have invested the time into something more productive aka studies, but I can't seem to help it but to have these thoughts. =/
Over time our lives change. Friends come and go.
I can't seem to let it go. Sometimes, I felt that I should have done something more to maintain it. It hurts to know that someone you treasure is not putting in effort to support the friendship.
But well, its funny how people interact with one another and finally settled with that very one special friend, whom I had come to care for and trust deeply. Then, after months or years of interaction, she just walk off.
Was it my fault for feeling so attached?
Or she for doing absolutely nothing at all?

It is time like this that I felt so helpless. And I could do nothing but to wait.
Yup, I'll be waiting for her to turn back. :)
0 firefly(s):
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