Here's me wishing you:

Lots of things happened lately and let's just hope I'm still standing tall to face them all.
I know I can do it. Yup. Of COURSE I can. *weak smile*
This year's Christmas will not be as happy as last year's and few years ago.. Nevertheless, Christmas remains the most happiest season of all times. Like most people says: Christmas is the season of giving and .. oh I don't know! Season of.. giving and receiving? Love? =S
Bah.. I don't know wth I'm crapping. Just that I know Christmas might be one of the festival which is heavily commercialize. Almost EVERY shopping mall I visited seems to be decorated with trees, Santa stuff and more.. Some had already started during November!
lol. Not that I'm complaining la! It's just so Christmassy!! TOO Christmassy.. =_="
Once again, I wish you a very Merry X'mas and a Happy New Year!!! Wish you all the best and good luck in your future undertakings.
One last thing before I end this entry of mine,
To all my close friends who had gone through thick and thin with me,
A special dedication from me to you:
A special dedication from me to you:
"We may never meet again, but we'll never forget each other."
-Leon aka Squall from Kingdom Hearts.
Vivian C.
0 firefly(s):
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