

It's the annual Merdeka Day Celebration @ CBN.

As usual, CBNers were asked to wear some traditional outfit to school. For the first time, I got my mom to make a Cheongsam for me, and surprisingly she agreed! Lucky for me!

It took my mom only A DAY to finish it!..... k la. fine. kinda last minute.


We had assembly as usual before the students (both morning and afternoon session) had to cram themselves into the hall.. while I don't need to! Hah! Too bad. Helped out here and there during the speeches.

Me with Anisa, the PA girl. =)

Me with Pn.Tajhu. Yes! She was wearing a Saree!! xD

The representative from Lower 6 Arts for the "Ratu Patriotisme",
Nasiha Shakina!

After recess, some of the PlanCo and DisCo went to offer their help to CleanCo in the ERT room, including me. Which explains why I was MIA durign the Ratu Patriotisme and the "Hati Malaya" movie...

Those who get to watch the movie, was it nice??? =/ or boring??

Anyway, saw this "cake" when I entered the ERT room. Was pretty amazed by it lo. Thought it was a cake... It LOOKS like one. But it's actually "Nasi pulut."


We get to eat first before cleaning the dishes and stuff up.

Kit & Pavi with the plate of food we got ourselves.
Three of us shared a plate ;)

Aunty Clara, Kit, Me.

Waa. Three people share a plate. No more plates ah?

*looks at me* Why ah? I also dunno..

Because we don't need to wash MORE plates later ma!

;P No la. Just a joke. Sharing is caring ok!

Oh. I also just realized there's a water pipe outside the ERT room. =P

Kit playing with ice outside the ERT room

Some random shots in the ERT room after almost everything was done:

This is Low Ziwei with her apron.
=D I still can rmb her "Zi" and the "Wei" connected!

Aishwariya promoting the dishwasher soap.

Ziwei made the frame I think...

Finally got out of the ERT room around 12.35pm. Don't get why there were so many people in the canteen waiting although school had not ended... =/

Me and Kit!
Oh. and also Pavi's "selendang" with me. lol

Hahahah! We were both wearing BLACK Chinese trad outfit from top to bottom. Sure get scolding if we were to visit relatives' house during Chinese New Year wearing like that. =P

Ziwei, Vivian, Pavi, Kit!

The Form sixers! =D
ShuWen, Kit, Herng, Ling Meng, Vivian, Nasiha, JiaWen, Kuhan, Privtha

Lower 6 Science people ;)

Another group photo with Kit Ting and Yann Lin in the middle

JoAnn and Aishwariya ;) So cute.

Plus Koghi & Nicola ;)

Waiting for the bell to ring..

With Miss Waan =)

With Mrs.Rozario! =D
She was having a/c class with the form4s after sch

With Aunty Clara! =DDD

Overall, this celebration was abit dull compared to last year. Something was missing, really. Not sure what it is though.. Nothng much I can change anyway.


Signing off,
Vivian C.

0 firefly(s):

The Author

A student currently pursuing the ACCA qualification.

She despises Mondays, cherishes Fridays, and totally adores weekends.

Enjoys doing many typical activities.

Just another ordinary girl, until you really know her well. ;P In actual fact, I'm SUPERGIRL! *laughs*

Vivian C.

Vivian C.