Sick of everything, unsatisfied, discontented, exhausted..

And the thought that I'm NOT even PAID to do this!

How the hell did my "ancestors" manage to go through all this?!!!!
Maybe the difference of the attitudes in our guardians I suppose. *shrugs*

I don't think I can stand this anymore. Few months seem like YEARS to me now.

"Sorry" is just not enough.

And no hugs can cure this nearly crushed heart of mine.

0 firefly(s):

The Author

A student currently pursuing the ACCA qualification.

She despises Mondays, cherishes Fridays, and totally adores weekends.

Enjoys doing many typical activities.

Just another ordinary girl, until you really know her well. ;P In actual fact, I'm SUPERGIRL! *laughs*

Vivian C.

Vivian C.