
I miss RO.

After SPM, I'm gonna play RO till I get very the muak with it.

I'll be playing it EVERY NIGHT. Gonna ignore EVERYONE on my messenger lists. I don't care and I don't wanna know whether you're pissed with me or not..

... maybe not.


Dah la.. See la. I'm already downloading a private RO server. =P But the file is SO HUGE!!!


About 900MB+ leh!! Need to dl for few days I think.. ~_~ dah la.. by the time Accounts papers finished, can play lor! Haha!

Dah dah.. need to do more ex on accounts. =) Can't wait to play~ My hands are soooooo itchy.

Vivian C.


So there's this A and B. One day, A cracked a joke to B.

A: *tells a joke, something related to what silly things A did*
B: ahahhahhaahahahaha!!!! You damn soh poh la!!!
A: ... *gives a look to B*
B: ahahahahahahahahahah... what??
A: ...
B: WHAT? O.o
A: ... why did you call me soh poh?
A: *thought B was joking* .. ahahahaahahahhhaha <=== joined B.
B: ahahahahahahahahahahha... *points at A* SOH POH!!!
A: ... ahhaha... haha... soh poh hor. hhahahahahahhahahaha..
B: Yup! You SOH POH!!!


Tell you what.. I just think that A had just become a soh poh from a non - soh poh.

Weird how things work huh?

Another story, same characters, A sms-ed B one day.

A: ehhhh... soh poh. when is the class? this is A here. =)
B: ... WHY DO YOU CALL ME SOH POH? btw, tmr's class is bla bla.
A: ahhahahahaha... cuz you mmg SOH POH. thanks!


What do you think? Is A still a soh poh? Ter-rasa? Rasa tak? Tak? Then nvm.

Did you even know that you're one SOH POH who's reading this entry filled with sohpohness?!

Dah la. Till next entry, SOH POH READERS!!!

P.S: Soh poh = silly, stupid, dumb, bimbo, etc.

Vivian C.


SPM is over...
.... For most students that is...

But not me. How sad kan?

Just can't feel the mood lor. People shouting here and there. *sigh* Don't really have the mood to take photos also. Mengada case.

After SPM, I'm gonna learn driving. After that, me will be working!! =) Office work. Can you imagine me working? Neither can I. Lol. We'll see~

Para pejuang yang berdedikasi dalam Perang SPM 2007 dari
Tingkatan 5U (2007), SMK Convent Bukit Nanas.

Left one more subject: Accounts.

Tomorrow got class with Mrs.Rozario. Will be our last. =(... but but we'll still be able to see her before our paper starts on Thursday and also on Friday. XD

After accounts paper finish, gonna go out makan with her!! Weeeee~~~!!! ... I wonder where we'll be going.. ~_~ and how.. tsk tsk...

Dah dah.. relax abit jor after Biology today. Not bad laaaaaa...

OH!!!! one more thing, Cheryl Khoo just told me that Kingdom Hearts : CoM got d leh!!!! In Malaysia!!! FEW MONTHS AGO SUMMORE!!!! STUPID!!!!

>.< >BYE BYE to SPM.

Vivian C.


Moral paper last Friday. It was so-so la. Should be able to score for the paper... I hope.

Did you know...
My lunch box was stolen by the monkeys, AGAIN. Not once, but TWICE. Twice!!!!! The first time was on Monday, AddMaths paper if I'm not mistaken.. Dah la. I know its MY fault for not asking the uncle at the canteen to keep for me.. *sigh* and no. I will not repeat this mistake of mine again. No. NEVER AGAIN.

Teddy slept at my place for 3days 2nights (23.11.07-25.11.07). The objective was to study biology. And we did ok. During this period, my mom had been treating us very, very, very good lor. Usually I don't have so much to eat ok. We ate more than 4meals a day. O_O. I think mom was trying to make us fatter..

She came to my house right after the Moral paper ended.. Hmm.. What else..

OH OH!!!!!!!

I just realize Teddy Mak have this "PLEASE FART AT ME" look. Every time I looked at her, sure feel like farting and I did!! O.O Many times some more during her stay at my place. Tsk tsk.. No comments la. She just have the look... eeee....

So, people.. the next time you see her: BEWARE!!! Don't feel embarrassed just because you farted.. Its just Teddy Mak's look effect. =) Normal de~~


To read more, click here. Teddy's story. Malas. XD

Looking forward to another sleepover. =)

Tomorrow's BIOLOGY paper.

10 down, 2 more to go!!!!!!!

Vivian C.


Just sometimes,

I think one should just gulp down
that anger and just act like
as if nothing happened..
No matter how bad the scenario was.
After sometime that is..

Are those just some words of wisdom? Or words from a kid who could not even stand up for himself? Who cares~

Afterall, being angry makes one's high blood pressure shoot high up. When we get angry,the tiny blood capillaries in our brain will constrict and this will cause mild damage to neurons. Sometimes, an angry person will hurt others or in more extreme cases, rage kill and regret with their actions later....

.... Dah la. Too biology-ish. Its not the time yet to be very biology-ish. Just read all those from Tammy's blog yesterday. =P~


ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS? How was the papers you asked?

Paper 1 = Boleh tahan laaaa~~
Paper 2 = ... *faints*...

Syuin le. Like usual, I'll tell people lor.. No time la! So hard the papers! Die lor! *sigh*!! What la..

Tmr's Physics papers.



Vivian C.


EST today was OK. The paper 1 essay question was crappy. About synthetic fiber.

Don't feel like blogging much about it. Just that the question was so crappy that I can't crap much about it and managed to write only 2 pages.


Anyway, most of you might not know.. But Puan Wahidah today revealed something to me..

I was telling how hard the Karangan question were this year. One topic also never discussed before in the class. Then she even AGREED with me ok! She even added that the question they used was the SECOND set.

... means that the jabatan noticed the Question leaked or something, so they decided to use SET 2.

... which also meant that its HARDER and UNPREDICTABLE. Maybe. Maybe not.

Who cares la.


Happy Holidays people!!

To the fifth formers of Malaysia 2007,


Mwahahahahahahhaa... i'm feeling so mean.

Anyway, quote of the day:

"Someone gonna go nuts because she ate too many nuts."

New word created today:

Nutrishy - which supposedly to mean nutritious

Vivian C.


*poke poke*


*poke poke*

can listen to me or not?

*poke poke*


*poke poke*

What la!!! People want to tell so much story..
You still there or not?!!!

*poke poke*


*poke poke*

Why me only tell wan..

*poke poke*

What? You thought having SPM means
me have to shadap and study 24/7?

*poke poke*

Fine. Me wan bercerita ady. You shadap and listen (urm.. read!)

*poke poke*


You know.. Went to one of my mom's cousin to eat yong tau fu. Apparently, her son also having SPM. Mom asked the dad how many subjects he's taking, and...

he said he didn't know.


So, fine. Maybe the dad was too busy with the shop's business or something la.

Another thing is that his son sdg berpak toh-ing with a "chin kam siu che." *achem*

Then, then.. he was suppose to be older than me one year. but he went for.. a "remove" class? Is that what you call it? Anything la. Just that he went for the class. Which meant that he had to study TWICE the same syllabus.

What's the point of telling you all these?

Nothing. Just for fun. I feel like telling. Cannot? Too bad la.

Another thing that kinda pissed me off was my grandma who started telling the aunty how calm and lots of stuffs about me which I'm not.


Reached home quickly went and called dad. Checked whether he know many subjects I'm taking or not.. Luckily he knew!! .. even though he didn't know what subject I took extra. If he didn't know, I'm gonna be so kek hei.

Crap. Enough. The end.

Next story.


Been having weird weird dreams lately. Yesterday, I had such a TIRING DREAM!!!

Swt. I know.

I dreamt that I ran for a very very long time. A marathon? I dunno. I dunno what's the point of running for so long. I ran and ran and ran and ran and ran anran anran aran aran aren aren...

lol. XD

That phrase just evolved la!!! From ".. and ran.." to "aren"!!! lol.

I didn't do it!!! XD!!!!!!


So nvm la. Then suddenly after so much running, got one huge building which I think its our very own KLCC building.

RIGHT OUTSIDE WINDOW. And I was in my own bedroom.

O_O and that's not all!!!

Got thunder strike the tip of the building. You know... like this!!

"thunder + lightning."

malas wan correct it.


No .. not that I didn't know mmg got this kind of things happen to the KLCC building ..

but but.. the one in my dream right... not strike once or twice enough d u know.. it was as if the tip there was trying to suck in the lightning.

Got slow motion summore. Can see the lightning properly wan!!!!

Was so excited that I went and grabbed my camera on my table.

but i TAK sempat!!!! I woke up before I get to take the perfect shot of it!!!!

lol. Thanks to mom la..

Then again right.. If i really manage to press and captured it in my dream, then wouldn't it be very freaky to find the pic in my REAL cam in REAL world?!!!!



Don't understand then nvm la.



Today was my science paper.
The canteen was sooooooo empty.
Only 5 of us in the hall. 3 invigilators. Lol.

Daisy, Evon, Amrita, LipChin, Vian.

Geng? lol.

They asked about nuclear and radio waves.


Gah. Boleh tahan laaaaaa~~ Luckily revised last min on the waves with Daisy, Evon and LipChin. Just before the paper. Weeee~~~~~

Tomorrow's EST paper.

5 down. 7 more to go!!!!

Vivian C.


No more staying up late, just to be with you!
No more that "natural sleeping pill" of yours! I had ENOUGH!
No more memorizing facts about you like sh*t!
No more talking to friends and reciting to each other about you!
No more mumbling and even dreams bout you every night!
No more pretending that I love you!
No more worries!


so long, my few years of nightmare~! Bye bye History!!~!!

"Eh~ *poke2*
I thought your parents thought of
sending you to form six?
Got PA ma.. hor.. how now?"


Let's just hope it won't happens..

I still remember there was once when I got tegur-ed by Pn.Siva about my History marks few years back. PMR was really near lo that time.

Gah.. nvm. Crap.

Last paper on 30th November. SPM is still on.

4 down. 8 more to go.


Science papers tomorrow. Wish me luck. Ta~

*rushes off to read the experiments*

Vivian C.


Today will be the last schooling day for the fifth formers before SPM 2007 starts. Sad yeah? No?

Had some speeches by alsmost each subject teachers. Was too busy leaving messages on books/papers/tshirts to listen to what the teachers said.

Got a pencil, pens and an eraser from the PIBG. Better than two years back when we got only a pencil and an eraser. lol. Not that I care much la, but still... BLEK!

Oh! Did I tell you that I just found out that Evon Khong use the same SONY camera model as mine? DSC-W50. *winks* And of course hers was in a waaaaaaay better condition than mine. She bought hers two years ago I think.


... dad found it in a toilet. Mwahahahaahahahahahahhaha!!

Arranged the tables in the hall for the coming SPM this Monday. Chose the best table among all.. and.. I think mine is new enough. The problem is its still shaky. Anything la.. Kepit some papers sudah. The surface looks new what.. Don't care la.

Hugging session after arranging the tables in the hall. I actually managed to hug Miss Winnie! Weee~~!!! And I even forced her to write a long message on my book. Teehee~ I'm sure she's used to write long essays in Chemistry what.. So why not do the same with the wishes on my "property"?? *smiles* Love her so much!! She's so cute.. heh.

Asked a few more teachers. Got hugged and good luck wishes from every teacher I met in the staff room.

The only one that nearly made me cried was with Pn.Gan. *hugz* Thank you so much.

"..Let bygones be bygones.."

So, here's wishing all the fifth formers taking SPM 2007...





Long time no updates huh? Sorry.. been pretty lazy to update my blog. Or should I say because of SPM is just around the corner? Lol. Partly. Maybe.

Last Saturday had my second sleepover at Kit Leng's new house even though SPM is very very VERY near. I'm running out of time to study!

Ah~ That explains why we have this huge clock on Kit's study table.

Yeah. Went Kit's house mainly to study History together. Telling each other stories. Some of the history facts we made some silly keywords for us to remember and it actually works!!! Not bad~

Teddy and I slept around 4am that day. No. Not cuz we studied till THAT late. Kit was fast asleep while we two played Monopoly. lol.

Lost to Teddy. So, laugh at me if you want to.

Meet Karina. =) The poodle which is overweight according to Kit. lol. Looks like a Teddy bear.. no?

To read more on the sleepover, click here.

Feeling very lazy to blog le.


Yesterday, I volunteered to help mom cook dinner.

Chicken curry, veggies, and egg. The egg i cooked all by myself k! XD

This was my sis's reaction when she tried my egg.

And mom's reaction. =D~

So, my point is that.. I CAN cook!! I really do!! lol. Weeee~~~

Mom say gonna teach me cook chicken curry next time. Lalaalalala~


Just feel like showing this pic. lol.

This is what they call... Ketupat Palas. lol.


Pn. Siva retiring today. I'm so glad lor that I went and gave her my prezzie for her yesterday... somehow. lol

Gave her something which she can keep for a looooong looong time. Trust me. She will.

I was there when she opened my present. And her facial expression was .. PRICELESS!! She even left a very sweet message for me in my "property bookie."!!! XD~!!

Gonna miss her soooo much!!

I hope Pn. Nancy can ... *achem*.. take over Pn. Siva's job and do it properly?

... *cough*locker~*cough*

Some pics of the day.. Didn't take much pics of myself. Don't feel like it.

Pn.Siva!!!!.. She was tahan-ing her tears.. TT__TT

.. was all emoing. when suddenly Tertangkap Anisa's weird look.. swt.

CBN will NEVER be the same without Pn.Siva!!!!!!!

Trust me. It will NEVER be.



Happy 17th Birthday to SUE FAYE!!!!!!

All the best in everything you do!!

Vivian C.


She's FOURTEEN already lu~~~!!!!

Meet my 14 yrs old sis!!


Love ya lots sis!!

Your prezzie will have to wait after SPM. Need to do some prezzie hunting ma.. *winks*


P.S: I know.. I posted this entry pretty late.. and short too. blek! My bad.

Vivian C.


Eh!! one more!!!


lol. my bad. =) Same birthday as my sis. 2nd November.

Exactly two years older than sis. Nice..


I was the only one came to school from 5U 2007 today.

Thanks to all my classmates who actually ditched me to study.

Study leave konon. Hmph!

And SueFaye dare to ask me to discuss with class bout the class trip.


Vivian C.

The Author

A student currently pursuing the ACCA qualification.

She despises Mondays, cherishes Fridays, and totally adores weekends.

Enjoys doing many typical activities.

Just another ordinary girl, until you really know her well. ;P In actual fact, I'm SUPERGIRL! *laughs*

Vivian C.

Vivian C.