26th April 2008
LipChin kinda dropped by je... thought she'll be joining us for the day but she had to go back after jalan2 with us less than half an hour in the Carrefour supermarket -.-" k lor.. didn't even manage to snap a photo of her that time...
1. Carl's Junior
Had our lunch here. My first meal at Carl's Junior.. I think. Is that even counted as my meal? I only took a few bites of the burger. Urm.. ok.. not exactly a bite... its actually like cebisan of the burger we ordered cuz I couldn't really bite. Thanks to my braces. =="
Ordered two burgers.. KitLeng's treat =D
I specifically ordered some onion rings for myself... cuz I saw the nice photos of them on Teddy's blog.. Thought of trying them lo.
BUT it turned out to be like THIS:
Ugly onion rings.
Was disappointed le... got cheated. uhuk.Sherrie with her Chicken Burger - dont remember the name...
2. Movies - STREET KINGS
=3 Yup. Keanu Reeves~~~
3. Paddington House of Pancakes (PHOP)
Woooots! My first time trying out the pancakes here!
So many choices for us to choose! Hmm.. What's that simpulan bahasa again? AHHH!! =D RAMBANG MATA. hahahahah
Totally LOVE LOVE LOVE the lightning here. Makes a good camwhoring spot le. =D Makes everyone look damn fair. ahahhahaha
And summore we were seated right next to a HUGE mirror. XD syok leh!
Yeah. We occupied three tables at PHOP.. oh well..
After looking at the menus for more than half an hour or so, we finally made our choices.. no... kinda like Teddy and I decided to order:
#710: Sweet Dipping Dollars
(Wait.. O.O RASPBERRY!?!!! LOL!!! We all kept referring to the red jam as STRAWBERRY!!! hahahahah!!! never mind! =D)
#209: Tokyo
"Grilled chicken breast, tomatoes, chicken ham, oyster mushroom, mozzarella, served iwth rolled pannekoek & mashed potatoes."
*grins* Chicken breast... my fav.
*grins* Chicken breast... my fav.
More photos of us and random stuff below:
ShuLin =3
The PHOP flag.
Teddy and I =) My fav photo for the day. heh.
Shu, Sherrie, Kit.
This is me trying to taste (or drink?...) Maple syrup.
Oh.. O.o I'm listening to KissKiss by Chris Brown right now.. lol.
Teddy, Sherrie, Kit, Shu - and me the photographer. =)
I TOLD you the lighting here is lovely. and not to forget the ZangToi @ Pavilion. =D
A few great camwhoring locations. xD
The PHOP bill was on both teddy and I. uhukkkkk... Very cham... not sure whether worth it or not.. but it sure was a great experience. =3 Would love to try other type pancakes..
but until i recovers from the huge blow (the bill!!><)....
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