
I am referring to the days when you KNOW you have things to do,
and yet your ass is miraculously stuck to the chair.

I feel lazy, unproductive. Geeeeeee....


Ahh.. Btw, I touched my first ever homework from my F3 class yesterday.
(Yesterday, OK? ONLY yesterday!! *pulls hair*)
Feel like slapping myself sometimes for rushing through things
like they're so simple that I will NEVER EVER make mistake liddat.

Well, unfortunately I did.

Wasted few sheets of paper in the end for one question.
BASICS!!!! I did those before when I was in form 4!!!!!!!!

*pulls more hair*

The following are my dates before I started schooling at Sunway:

With Kit Leng

With Pay Herng



My fringe :(
Have to go through the whole process of growing fringe.
I hate the part where your fringe is in the
not-long-enough-to-put-behind ears-and-starts-poking-your-eyes length.

2 firefly(s):

Rindu~~~ Haha. seems that somebody is pretty free and BORED by coll life? >.<

How's everything there?

Pssstttt: where did u hide ur CBox??? can't spam..... teeheehee~

too bad. lol. i cn spam urs in the mean time. no worries. hvnt fix my new cbox since i changed the template. :P

everything's fine. classmates warming up already as i cn hear loud noises every nw n then when the lecturer gave us breaks. heh.

The Author

A student currently pursuing the ACCA qualification.

She despises Mondays, cherishes Fridays, and totally adores weekends.

Enjoys doing many typical activities.

Just another ordinary girl, until you really know her well. ;P In actual fact, I'm SUPERGIRL! *laughs*

Vivian C.

Vivian C.