Been thinking about what talent I have in possession. Weird. I should have way much better and beneficial things to do (eg. homeworks) but.. *shrugs*
Most people say working like a cow doesn't help but my mind thinks otherwise. I believe in the saying "you reap what you sow" all these years. Please don't prove me wrong, cause I know I've been working my ass off to be able to stand where I am today. Thank you. I've fallen many times and stood back up.
And hey, no man is an island. I would never have done it all by myself and forever grateful to know there were many people who had extended their helping hand to me.
Then again, at the end of the day (haha, a cliche eh? Reminds me of someone), I'm sure having talent(s) definitely allows you to be the upper hand of most of the games in life. BIG games where actions of adults are unpredictable and might be unethical. Well, who can blame them for acting that way?
I believe time will show me the answers to my questions later.
Moving on, I'm officially addicted to Adam Lambert's "For Your Entertainment." Because of him, I FINALLY updated my Ipod after more than a few months I have not done so. I know I said I wanted to update a few posts back, I procrastinated, as usual :D
Most people say working like a cow doesn't help but my mind thinks otherwise. I believe in the saying "you reap what you sow" all these years. Please don't prove me wrong, cause I know I've been working my ass off to be able to stand where I am today. Thank you. I've fallen many times and stood back up.
And hey, no man is an island. I would never have done it all by myself and forever grateful to know there were many people who had extended their helping hand to me.
Then again, at the end of the day (haha, a cliche eh? Reminds me of someone), I'm sure having talent(s) definitely allows you to be the upper hand of most of the games in life. BIG games where actions of adults are unpredictable and might be unethical. Well, who can blame them for acting that way?
I believe time will show me the answers to my questions later.
Moving on, I'm officially addicted to Adam Lambert's "For Your Entertainment." Because of him, I FINALLY updated my Ipod after more than a few months I have not done so. I know I said I wanted to update a few posts back, I procrastinated, as usual :D
(Yes, he's the first runner up from the American Idol 8th season. I am waayyyyy outdated I know. Now AI's fans are discussing about 9th season, I only discovered him. =.=)

*fan girl mode ON*
Oh! He looks flaming hot in that music video by the way.
Oh! He looks flaming hot in that music video by the way.
*fan girl mode OFF*
We'll see how long this can go on ok?
*fan girl mode OFF*
We'll see how long this can go on ok?
I got a feeling I'll question myself later why I even find him appealing. A guy gay using eyeliners.. (?! lol. And so I quote one of the youtuber's comment: Why are the hot and good looking guys always gay?) Gosh. Even I don't use make-ups. =.= But watch his video if you have the time. :D And pay attention to his lyrics too. lol. I googled and found out it has several meanings to it, but there's one pretty obvious. Go figure.
Anyway, sister was being too direct to me today that I still find it hilarious and rude at the same time.
S: *grabs a box of mints and shoves it to my face* Want some?
V: No thank you.
S: *silence* Your mouth stinks by the way.
V: O.O
S: *grabs a box of mints and shoves it to my face* Want some?
V: No thank you.
S: *silence* Your mouth stinks by the way.
V: O.O
Which totally reminds of something which happened while I was in my lower secondary. A friend of mine gave me a bottle of perfume on my birthday. I was so happy for it was a present afterall what.
But now that I think back, I was soooo naive!! What the heck, my friend was actually indicating to me that I STINKED LA.
The message was so clear:
Please use this perfume, OK? Cause I noticed that you stinks!
(Yes, it might not be true and I might just being over self-conscious but hmmm..)
I suppose I didn't use much deodorant last time, but do you really have to do that? What did I do to you!? Did I get too near to you or something? Geeeezzzz!
Either way, I think that method of hers was friendly enough, but that particular method didn't seem to work on the blur-blur and dense me few years back. (I'm wayyyy better now ok!) In the end, I didn't use it at all cause school didn't allow us to use cosmetics, perfumes, etc. Yes, yes. I cannot deny I was a very, very good girl. :D
The end thank you.
There goes my longest post for the year.
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