
Took a trip to the school's Kooperasi this afternoon and there are soooo many things I feel like buying for myself. LOL.

And they are all 110th Year CBN souvenirs! Too bad I didn't have a camera with me. Haven't been taking much photos these days...

I know the stock has been there for a week or two... but... it's not like I have all the time for myself and just take a random walk to the Kooperasi and go... urm... window shopping?


Anddddddddd!!! =D Me wants cap, the new shirt and letter opener!!

Siapa mahu beli untuk saya?!!


you know what?
I felt lame rereading this post of mine.
Window shopping in my own school's kooperasi?!!!
What are you thinking Vivian?!! DX

0 firefly(s):

The Author

A student currently pursuing the ACCA qualification.

She despises Mondays, cherishes Fridays, and totally adores weekends.

Enjoys doing many typical activities.

Just another ordinary girl, until you really know her well. ;P In actual fact, I'm SUPERGIRL! *laughs*

Vivian C.

Vivian C.