=/ Second time at the Malaysian Association for the Blind. It was a community service organized under Girl Guides.

We had to help out mostly by rearranging the books. That's when we discovered this.

COOL not?!! They got learn Economics also wehhhh! Lol. Graphs also included, using Braille of course. ;D

Xin Mei, Shereen, Vivian.

On our way back to the headquarters, it was raining cats and dogs. VERY VERY HEAVY ok?! And we thought it was kinda tolerable considering HQ isn't that far from MAB.. Turned out that luck wasn't on our side..

Found a few shelters to aid us on our way back. Not that it helped anyway.. We were already wet from head to toe.

There was one point we were totally drenched and we couldn't afford to run across the road without getting hit by vehicles around. =( Rain was too heavy that our visions were not clear enough.

So we were stuck for quite some time. And plus, the wind was so strong that I might get sick after that very moment. The three of us had to stick to one another to warm ourselves up. == And there was thunder! Gila ok!

While waiting for the rain to subside, *cough* we... *chik chak chok*

*clears throat*

*insert here kelian soundtrack*

Baru dipecat, tiada kerja, hujan lebat, tiada tempat untuk pergi...

The jobless photographer with a point-and-shoot camera cover.

The jobless postman (with a strangely colourful bag)

The jobless first-aider, with only her first aid box in her arms.


2 firefly(s):

Congratulations on what you're doing.

Congratulations on what you're doing.

The Author

A student currently pursuing the ACCA qualification.

She despises Mondays, cherishes Fridays, and totally adores weekends.

Enjoys doing many typical activities.

Just another ordinary girl, until you really know her well. ;P In actual fact, I'm SUPERGIRL! *laughs*

Vivian C.

Vivian C.