30th July 2008, Wednesday
Majlis Perjumpaan Ibubapa for the form 3s, form 5s and the form upper 6s.
31th July 2008, Thursday
33 principals from Korea came to school. A very big thank you to the Clean Co. prefects because they were the ones in charge of the lunch for the Koreans. ;) And of course, the prefects who were involved to escort the visitors.
1st August 2008, Friday
Book checking for the lower sixes was suppose to be today. Went to UTAR for the Festival of the Mind public talks. Too bad there were no photos on my camera.
I'm exhausted after everything, especially the homeworks.
1. Extremely emo people scares me.
2. There are people avoiding me.
3. Hypocrites.
4. I'm catching up.
5. Stop complaining about how BIG your pile of work is to me
6. I myself have lots of things to do.
7. You think I've changed, don't you?
8. "If you do not change, you can become extinct," There you go!!!
9. Gah. Vivian Choong feels shitty.
10. I don't feel good.
11. I need a hug. A real hug..
12. Missing 5U 2007
13. ...
14. Ok. I'm contradicting myself.
15. I should get used to my surroundings
16. and make myself comfortable with people around me.
18. I need a break.
20. I know I should know EVERYTHING...
21. But, but..
22. Gah. Excuses!
23. I'm also a student you know?
24. =(
25. Damn tulan in class.
26. My fault. Yeah, sure. My fault la. Everything Vivian la.
27. I hate being the middle person.
28. Stupid.
29. Stupid.
30. Stupid.
31. Stupid.
32. Stupid.
33. Hello weekends!
34. I'm done.
35. Bye bye.
Vivian C.
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