This morning.. I woke up and wore back my prefect blazer uniform.. and.. it felt weird. =S I don't feel like i should be wearing but either way, I wore it to school.. What CAN i do laa..
And coincidentally, the prefectorial board 07/08 get to wear their blazer for the first time today!
... o.O..
Two different batches of prefects wearing blazer at the same time. HAH! blek.
I skipped BM paper today....Not!!! Had to go for a funeral mass prayer or something like that.. Sister Brede's funeral. Remember? ~_~ My school's former principal. Passed away on 20th September 2007. So, the school decided to send a bus-full of students and a few teachers to the convent where the funeral was held.

But those who were involved had to gather in the canteen at 8.30am. At the same time, we were also allowed to skip our Bm paper which started at 7.30-9.55. *grins* Clashes ma the time.. So, we'll have to resit for the paper another day. No worries =)
Reached our destination on time. Didn't dare to take any photos at the funeral. Don't you think it's a bit rude to take pics at a funeral??? Unless you got reasons la.. but.. gah.
Pretty gloomy during all the prayers stuff. But the place was nice and calm. It's right above the hill by the way. So, yeah. Not much pics. Me not gonna comment on the funeral thingy anymore.
On our way back in bus, .. sad to say, the CBNers were very hyper after the funeral. Maybe they're just not used to being gloomy and inactive for so long.. blek.
Yeah, camwhore session started asap.

Had lunch as soon we stepped foot into CBN. *grins* We were very very hungry OK? Didn't have our recess. So.. *smiles*
After school finishes, joined with my friends lor.. They ordered eggs as side dishes or something.. But, apparently they didn't like the egg yolk. And Cheryl started poking the poor egg yolk dengan kejamnya. LOL.

Went library and .. didn't study at all. Did only ONE probability question in the maths room. So.. Fine. I wasn't in the mood. Started camwhoring..

And suddenly i feel like torturing Teddy. Muahahahahahah!!

Then, took lots of pics with Aunt Clara and this is the best shot to me.

There's more pics in Teddy's cam.. and she haven't send those to me yet... So this will do. *winks*
And tadah!~ My famous ichigo doodle! =) I know its nice and pweeety. U don't need to tell me also I know d. Teehee~

Oh yeah, this will be the last time ever I'll be wearing my prefect blazer. Sad.. no? Time to send the blazer for dry cleaning..
Tomorrow, there will be Mooncake Festival celebration at my apartment! Me can't wait to play lanterns!!! Been a few years since i last touched one.. heh.
Ta~ *smiles*
Me is all ready for Mathematics diagnostic test tomorrow!
.. i hope..
P.S: Did you know that I walked down the HILL with a pair of HEELS today? and my legs are now aching because of the stupiak prefect shoes. Never liked them. But it amuse me to see the new board this morning having trouble walking or going up the stairs with the shoes. *grins*
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