I was reading my form 4 History textbook when I read till this part where they talked about Angkor Wat. Then i thought of searching pictures of it.. Just for fun.

Even pyramids in egypt doesn't impress me THIS much! lol.

Yeah.. temples only ma. but i don't know man.. somehow, this place looks familiar..

Not that i've been there, but.. seriously.. where had i seen it before??

Think Vivian! Think!!
oh.. wait!!!
i thiunk..
..i'm getting it..
... i think i'm almost there...
Tails soaring in the air in Mystic Ruins
[a location which looks like AngkorWat-look temple]
Sonic flying too~

NO WONDER Laaaaa!!!!
PS: makes no mistake.. i would still love to visit Angkor Wat temple one day! =) and yes.. my bad. i online-ed and blogged even though exams coming soon... >.<
tata~ [must NOT blog anymore!! go hibernate la u vivian!]
1 firefly(s):
Hibernate? Sure you want to do that? ... I suggest you go to study rather than hibernating.
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