Few weeks ago, my sis threw a big pile of printed out papers. Said its actually for her prefects job but her teacher doesn't want it anymore. So into the dustbin it goes..
Instead of leaving those papers alone, i collected those papers back from the bin. Lol. And i made this. =)
=) Me gonna use the book for addamaths.. but somehow.. now it started to become my diary book. I mean me and my friends' around me. My classmates especially.
I'll take a photo of it soon. Got lots of doodles from friends and me. Wakakakaka! Lots of highlighters were pretty much wasted on my book....
But i like!! so who cares laaa~ =)
Next is my calculator..
Few months ago, it has this Red-bubbly-circles thingy cover on my scientific calculator.
Yes. Pretty.. ugly. With hidden gold mickey at the corner.
ShuetMay said it looks like a rocket. lol.

Can't tahan. Need to change again!!! Gah!! It's just too silver-ish for my eyes...
Bought a wrapper especially to renew my calculator cover.. and..
I made two covers. One for my sis's and another for myself.

Lol.. and this is mine! =) Don't you think its one cool and cheerful looking calculator?

Heh.. I know. You're jealous right now! Wakakakakakaka!! I can't seem to concentrate in doing my addmaths exercises every time i see my butterf-baby =)
One more thing, I made one more thing for myself and it took me THREE whole hours to finish it.
teehee~ But i like!!

Haha!! Cute yeah!??! Wakakakka.. *winks*
Even the box i made it myself okayh!!
K.. back to studies people. Tata~!!
P.S: Yes, before i forget, must thank Fawn for contributing the idea about the calculator cover thingy. Copied hers actually. Wakakakaka!!
2 firefly(s):
wow u r really free to to all that huh??haha...i oso din noe u have blog 1 wor...and is very nice la wif all the pics...owh now i love ur calculator!!!hehe...soo very creative of you...great ur addmaths sure pass wif flying colours de since ur calculator oso soooo colourful!!!hahaha...and y soo free to blog de??i thought ur dad hid the modem ady!!haha...
*grins* give back d ma... eh heh.. hehehehehhe.. thank u for praising me! me can't wait for this coming tuesday laaa!=) me wan help take photos k! wakakakak
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