Well.. What else can I say? Lol. These are the photos! All taken on 26th September 2007!
Cheryl, Shu and Lynnett's birthday celebration arh!!!
heh.. so the camwhoring session all started waaaaaaaay before the school ended. lol.
Meet YiLin, the one I like to bully. Blek!
Lol. SuNing's doodle was featured today! Lots of doodling in my book d. =P i like! wakakkaak
Suddenly, i felt like doodling YiLin's hand too. Don't feel like doodling on paper. Wakakakak!! This was taken when i was in action. using PINK highlighter. *grins*
THE soon-to-be 17 friend of mine!! LYNNETT YIP!!! Her birthday is on 27th.. an early celebration for her.. =D~! poser la she..
ANOTHER birthday girl. KHOR SHU LIN!!
School ended at 12.45pm.. and off we went down the hill to Sg.Wang.
Reached Ztoi and.. it looked like Teddy was damn tired. and LOOK!! O.O i can see thru her hand!! O.O noooo~~~~~ don't go away~~~~!!! TT____TT
... neh.. jus another lame joke of mine. she was all hyper after that. no need worry about her.
OH!! ANOTHER birthday girl!!!! CHERYL KHOO!!! my khoo khoo dear XD~
..she got herself misai d.. lol
and.. as usual, play creaming people. the only shot during that session was THIS.
a pic of cheryl got creamed
After lunch, went up to the sixth floor for TAKOYAKI!!! OMG!!! I miss tako!~~
and that was when i noticed me and Teddy never took a pic of us eating our fav Tako. Wakakakaka!
Went TimesSquare for bowling. Been months since i last played..
Cheryl and Lynn.
The group pic!!
Ichigo-on-Stick Reunited!!! *BISHES*
Noooo~~ Don't look at me play!
LOL. and this pic i tell you.. I very the clumsy wan ar.. but.. fuh~ nasib my hand din TERslip and drop this ball onto cheryl's head. i think it was 8kg.. hm.. nt sure.
THE scores.
urm.. mine is the bottom one. WAKAKAKAKA!!!
THIS is another lane pulak. Shu, Teddy, and Cheryl!
Oh.. btw, that was the first time cheryl played bowling. not bad right? .. RIGHT? lol
On our back home, took a few pics. heh. Been a looong day huh..
Tired and exhausted us..
Must study HARDER!! it's OCTOBER already! Yup yup!
Ta~ till next entry! Muaxxxx!
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