Gerak Gempur SPM had started and has not ended YET!
Exams after exams the fifth formers gonna go through to prepare us for the REAL SPM. Geeez.. the thought of SPM countdown coming to one digit seriously can scare the shit out of me.
Today we had History paper. Last night studied like hell for it, but sad to say, nothing I read manage to come out back. Mom used to say History is the EASIEST subject of all cos it's all memorizing and it doesn't change like Maths or BM. She meant that like essays you have to start from scratch right? So, it should be harder than HISTORY..
Anyway, these few days been obsessed with bread with margarine. Waaaaa~~!! Every night study must have wei!!!! Wakakakakkakkaka!!! Morning also bring to school to eat.. Nice! You really should try.
These are some of the things i enjoy in life!
Sometime in life, simple things are the best. *winks*

Some photos I took but not uploaded yet. Some doodles in my "property" by friends. Lovely. lol.

LOL!! and this my friends... Please. Take a good look.

Wondering who is Benito? Go search in the last chapter of form5 History textbook. LOL.
and.. Guess who the hell doodled this?!??! Doesn't it look like Issac Newton?? Or like Kit suggested: William Shakespeare??? WAKAKKAKAKAKAKAA!!!!
I tell you.. Kit and I suggested the costume for the doodler. *grins* and ignore the cacat-ed hand at the bottom right of the page. ~_~.. "technical problem" lol.
Then these are the few pages in my "property". Anyone interested in adding more drawings/doodling/messages/whatever in it? LOL.

And yes darling. Your doodle is featured!!! TADAH!!!!

*smiles* Bangga tak now? lol. Love ya!
Till next entry! Ta~!
Exams after exams the fifth formers gonna go through to prepare us for the REAL SPM. Geeez.. the thought of SPM countdown coming to one digit seriously can scare the shit out of me.
Today we had History paper. Last night studied like hell for it, but sad to say, nothing I read manage to come out back. Mom used to say History is the EASIEST subject of all cos it's all memorizing and it doesn't change like Maths or BM. She meant that like essays you have to start from scratch right? So, it should be harder than HISTORY..
because of the facts are all
in that History textbook changes!!!
because of the facts are all
in that History textbook changes!!!
Anyway, these few days been obsessed with bread with margarine. Waaaaa~~!! Every night study must have wei!!!! Wakakakakkakkaka!!! Morning also bring to school to eat.. Nice! You really should try.
These are some of the things i enjoy in life!
Sometime in life, simple things are the best. *winks*
Some photos I took but not uploaded yet. Some doodles in my "property" by friends. Lovely. lol.
The button on my pencil case. =)
LOL!! and this my friends... Please. Take a good look.
Wondering who is Benito? Go search in the last chapter of form5 History textbook. LOL.
and.. Guess who the hell doodled this?!??! Doesn't it look like Issac Newton?? Or like Kit suggested: William Shakespeare??? WAKAKKAKAKAKAKAA!!!!
I tell you.. Kit and I suggested the costume for the doodler. *grins* and ignore the cacat-ed hand at the bottom right of the page. ~_~.. "technical problem" lol.
Then these are the few pages in my "property". Anyone interested in adding more drawings/doodling/messages/whatever in it? LOL.
And yes darling. Your doodle is featured!!! TADAH!!!!
Charmaine from Le.Gardenie ciplak-ed by Chrissssssss
*smiles* Bangga tak now? lol. Love ya!
Till next entry! Ta~!
1 firefly(s):
... Benito Mussolini...
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