Everybody's Day 2007 @ CBN was held today! Woohoo~!
And it was GREAT!!! Not as bad as I thought it would be yesterday. XP~
Yeah. Me not taking cert also came to school today. Whether you think its because of that 100% attendance cert OR for the concert, up to you lor~ I don't care anymore lu~~
Surprisingly, those not taking certs were allowed to stay in classrooms this year!! I don't remember this last year.. Maybe only this time. Hmm.. Well, I'll not complain for I can read my history. Read only k. Can't seem to memorize the facts I read no matter how many times I read.
Reached school damn early today cuz I had to follow my dad's car. Mom not feeling well and dad had to drive me to school. Traffic was very smooth. In about 10 minutes can reach school d wei. Not bad. Lol. The canteen was empty by the time I reached. Heh.
Stayed in 4K class during the speeches and cert giving ceremony. And I got a partner with me!! OMG!!
KAM SIEW LEI, thank you so much!!!
XD!~!! Did abit of addmaths after yawned a few times. The class was very noisy. Saw a few offenders. *cough* My bad. I'm powerless. Prefects were seen roaming around but only one noticed that obvious offender lo in the class I was in. Sad case. Somehow worried bout next year without Puan Siva. I'll miss her soooo much!!!
Was trying to solve a question when suddenly I can smell something coming from the canteen. Aiseh! Can't stand and went out of the form4 block classrooms. The smell was so strong till in Nazareth also can smell. Complained to Miss Ooi and we found out that the smell came from the green house. then, we were shoo-ed back into the classroom. ~_~ fine.
And hell yeah. I repeated lots of time to my friends to come find me after receiving their certs. and they did!!! I was so touched. Kit Leng and Pay Herng were the first one to come visit me!! Lol. I'm telling now as if I was in jail or something.. Ish.
My darling book was on the table when Kit and PayHerng reached and.. she went and added accessories to her doodle.
*achem* Got cleavage wan you know! lol. Say very "in" geh her doodle. Chih!!
Chris then came and visited me!! and the group of friends just got bigger and bigger! I was so touched ok! XD~!
Lynnett, Livern, Kim, Adina, Suning, Meiyan. XD!!~~!!! Waaaaa~~~
That's Kit in my arms btw. Forced her to take pic dun wan. Hmph! Took a pic with the back of her head. XP~
A bit of camwhoring and chatting outside the classrooms.
Then seriously, this pic really really REALLY obscene!!!! Looooook!!!! OMG!!!!

Sad case. I know. It wasn't Lynn who were cupping the breasts though. lol. Open up your big big eyes. XD~ Who took that perfect pic?!! VIVIAN THE GREAT!!! Mwahahahahahahahah!! Prof ma. I know. O hohohoho~

*achem* This is the pic of Chris. Moments before her head got stepped by Lynnett. lol.

Went into the hall abit too early. Before 11am. The concert only started at 11.30am. Camwhored. Chatted. Been awhile since i last sat beside Livern.

Got lots of things to talk about Livern on the blog here but just waaaaaaay too lazy. Maybe next time.. maybe..

This year's concert was so-so. Nothing much to say except that most were pretty crappy. A lot of singing and dancing.
After the concert, went up the stage and took a pic with Pn.Siva...
Pn.S: Well, what do you think about the concert?
Me: Ok ok only la~~~
Pn.S: Ah.. last year was better is it?
Me: OF COURSE!!!!!!!!
More pics in my BSL bloggie!
oi. Teddy Mak. did you come to school today!? How come i cannot see you the whole day???
SPM in 18 DAYS!!!!!
(it should be 16days though.. Hmm..)

Till next entry! Ta!~
Love, Vivian C.
P.S: Going back hometown tomorrow after Accounts. I don't feel like going back. Gah!
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