Yes people. I went school today, the day before the Raya break! As if you've seen me 'fly' school before. *grins*
Had Moral paper today. Every moral students from 5B to 5P were told to be in 5B classroom. Crazy I tell you. Not that I can feel crammed, but I see other people had to sit together using 3 tables for 5 students. I mean, we gonna sit for a paper! How can you let other people share tables?! Pn.Susila noticed this and eventually we were split into two classes. Hehe.
Pay Herng, Kit and I sat together, right in front of the teacher's table. The moral paper started and I seriously don't feel like doing the paper. How do you expect me to finish it when I don't really remember much nilai beside the ones i read on that morning?!
Fine. Then Herng, Kit and I also shared the nilai paper to refer. Blek! Teachers didn't say anything and we went on doing this for few questions. But the semangat didn't last long. I think I was at Question 4 when I seriously fed up of answering the paper and just left the paper as it is.
Naughty child, I know.
And this, my friend, was an act of cruelty and torture by the moral paper.
Would you just look at our papers? This is the first question. Fully answered. Nice hor?
I think this was Question 3. See some questions left blank? =P
And.. you know.. I saw Pn.S********* when Kit and I went out for recess. and she doesn't looked happy after knowing most of us didn't finish the paper... Scary.
Went down to canteen. And we ordered scrambled eggs!
Then Kit got pretty greedy when she saw aunty cooking hor fun for uncle. She asked whether can cook another bowl for her but it turned out that the soup was not enough. Fortunately, still got some soup left.. so.. Heh.
We were pretty late by the time we get to eat the food we ordered and.. Yeah. We were the last to get back into the class. While we were busy finishing up the food, Miss Waan walked pass us and asked us to help her call the upper six arts1 to get down to the library.
So, up we went to the Pink Dorm and I saw THIS.
The Prefectorial Board 06/07 organization chart. o.o.. all the photos are gone. But i still see my name on it. Heh.
Enough of the past. I must catch up and follow Kit who was walking way in front of me. *winks*
Back to 5B class. Camwhored a lill. Some chatting their time away, some studied, some even played MUSICAL CHAIR. How swtness can my friends get?!!
This pic is really freaky looking la!!!
While we were playing with camera, I got caught by Pn.Sarjit. =P I think she was in a pretty good mood. Offered her whether want to use my camera to capture some photos and she agreed!!! O_O
I heard from Pn.Clara yesterday that the indian teachers would be having lunch with Pn.Siva outside right after school ends. So, heh.
I was the photographer while Kit became the handbag lady. LOL!
Then Kit and I camwhored abit. Complained to her my head looks big in photos. And Kit suddenly 'grew' her neck longer while I shorten my neck a little. (?!) lol
And omg. LOOK!!!! I manage to took a photo with Pn.Siva alone!!! XD!!!~~!!!
The School ended at 11.30am that day. and.. i saw this cat on a pillar. o.o... THE cat which appeared in my love letter before this. Remember? lol.

Oh. 11th Oct 2007 was also my parents' 20th Anniversary. So mom was in a good mood and brought us out for lunch. =)
Oh yeah people. Can see more photos in my "BitterSweet Life." =) My old bloggie~! Suggested by Teddy Mak. Thankies!
Ta~! Till next entry.
Selamat Hari Raya!!!
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