
30th December 2008

Yes, it was the day sis got her PMR results. That very night, dad went and bought her presents for gaining straight A's! How sweet...

And not to forget the arrival of both her close friends from Girl Guides came over our house to have a sleepover.

Meet MeiWern and Aw Maxine. ;)

Apparently the whole objective of having them over at our house was to complete some work for i-have-no-idea-what-it-is.


After an hour or two, they stopped working. They started chatting the night away. Making so much noise that my parents had to interrupt us by SHHHHH-ing us.


MeiWern had to share the SINGLE bed with me while Maxine shared with sis. Oh well.. but overall it was fun right?!!! RIGHT?!!! =P We crapped all the way till 5.30am, just right before mom opened the doors to check on us. We pretended we slept and a few seconds later, we slept. FOR REAL. Lame eh?

31st December 2008

Sister got her very first piercings on her ear lobes. She even had audiences ok! They are my mom, Maxine, MeiWern, and myself. Heh. I even took a video of her getting her piercings.

The height differences.
Maxine stood in between the Choong sisters. =P

Sent both Maxine and MeiWern to LRT station after walking around Jusco and Carrefour. *sobs*

At night, we had the New Year's eve at the Waterfront. The main event was the fireworks!

There were two other friends of Shereen who came over to watch the fireworks with us.

Meet SiewTong and XinMei. (From left to right minus me and sis)

Waterfront ;)
From Left to right:
XinMei, Vivian, SiewTong, Shereen, C.Peng gugu, Ma mah. =)
Made a call all the way to Nara, Japan. Especially for Ayumi ;)

From Left to right:
Uncle Jyh Ynan, dad, gugu, ma mah, mom.

Didn't do much also that night. Slept around 3am maybe.. Both SiewTong and XinMei are early birds la!!! HMPH!

1st January 2009

Started off the year with a 7km hiking with sis and uncle around Desa Parkcity.

We started our hike infront of uncle's house: Adora.

XinMei and SiewTong didn't join us on feet though. They went cycling. =)

The finish line!

Went swimming after that.

=D *peace*

2nd January 2008

Orientation for the form 1's. Beh tahan those quiet & blur looks. Can't imagine them turning into lill' devils after a month or two. Bah.

Collapsed onto my bed after reaching home. From 5pm till 10am the next morning. Not bad eh?

3rd January 2008

Got myself involved with the community service under the Girl Guides. The first meeting was held today.

I drove sis to Brickfields all by myself again =D So, so, so proud of myself!

It went all well when suddenly that Maxine asked whether we can all go lepak at Sg.Wang. After some complications regarding the car I had to drive (still feeling insecure with big, spacious cars..), we manage to come into a conclusion and...



Took this pic @ Times Square.

I drove them all the way back to MY HOUSE and had my dad dropped us at the monorail station. ;)

Last but not least people,
I just had to introduce to you guys my very FIRST PASSENGER WEARING A SEATBELT AT THE BACK OF THE CAR DRIVEN BY MYSELF!!!!!!!!

=D HOHO!!!!

Aw Maxine, you should be proud ok?!!!!!

School's starting this Monday. Sh*t.

0 firefly(s):

The Author

A student currently pursuing the ACCA qualification.

She despises Mondays, cherishes Fridays, and totally adores weekends.

Enjoys doing many typical activities.

Just another ordinary girl, until you really know her well. ;P In actual fact, I'm SUPERGIRL! *laughs*

Vivian C.

Vivian C.