Then.. then.. had lunch and went for accs. Dunno what happened but kinda whacky during the class. Got hit by teacher and still like no effect je. ==" During break which we begged from mrs.rozario, camwhored another round and.. heh.
my friends all damn chun. =P
Yeah! go Daisy~ Go Daisy~ lol.
Go read what that "something" is!!! damn chun.. you wouldn't call us crazy after you went to read hers k... but anyway, Kim, Teddy and mine were done on a much smaller scale and on a different objective ya know..
yeah.. after accs, jenguk auntie claira at the library. chit-chatted abit. then went down the hill to menjalankan the mission.
The objective was to eat fries till Teddy's lips swollen. ==" not MY idea okaaaaaayyyy... it was Teddy's. heh.
And so.. reached mcd's, placed our orders... and.. .... omg. O.M.G.

So we started muching.. mam mam.. mam mam..
still mam mam-ing
... mam mam..
... mam... mam..
...... the pile seems to be abit lesser.. but.. hmmm...
got bored...
Our Three KetChiTard-er (Ketchup+ Chilli + Mustard)
Continued mam mam...
Till Kim left us with this!! she hv to go back early worrrrr... hmph
Bye bye fries~ din manage to finish u in the end. heh.
BUT BUT!! we managed to achieve our objective afterall!! LOOK!!!
Swelled wor.. according to my friend here.. never knew eating fries can.. hmmm
And, seriously, not joking. if this munching of french fries persists, ...... THIS REALLY CAN HAPPEN. WAKAKAKAKAKAKAK
Ronald McDonald's =)
oh.. before i end this loooong post filled with lots of pics right, seriously. DON'T YOU EVER TRY AND DO THIS URSELF. If got big group of friends okay la.. but seriously. don't risk it. you'll end up hating french fries and not touching them for a looooong looooong time. trust me. i feel like puking d.. >.<
and yeah.. my lelangit seems to be very "la" right nw.. shit..and i tell you what.. this is the very FIRST TIME i cannot finish up my fries. my FIRST TIME EVER. and i din even take my dinner.. damn full - till nw at night.
omg.. what i've done to myself. >.<
P.S: sorry le. nt good at describing stuff. let the pics all tell their stories la. hahaha..
3 firefly(s):
Hey... I was shocked to see that I look so much like Ronald!!! LOL. Damn scary la. I'll never go near fries for the rest of the year! Today was fun. LOL. Even though it was sickening... I actually forgot that I had Moral paper earlier. LOL.
Anyway, I was not pien jui-ing. It was the effect of the fries! They swollen-ize my lips! I look better without my lips swollen. I don't know what people are thinking when they say Angelina Jolie's lips are sexy. Mine are sexy even though it was not swollen. See?!
You know, fries make me sick. I feel super sick now. Other than making my lips swollen, I feel bloated. 6 hours after the fries and I'm still full. Other than that, I'm having headache. Which I highly suspect is one of the effect of having too much fries. The salt that they used as seasoning for the fries also made me dehydrated. I feel like puking. So...
Do not. I repeat, DO NOT GO NEAR FRIES. It is not good for health. It was scientifically proven and of course proven by me, Vivian and Kim too.
Teddy Mak.
P.s~ Hey. Listen to me! It's for your own good! Don't go near fries.
you gotta be kidding me! you actually did what i do on my "stupid things i do" list?! o.O
LOL. hehe.. why nt? fun.. but after that sick la.
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