LOL!! Sorry for din blog. Jus don't hv the mood to do so. Kinda depressed after the senior prefects' 06/07 stepping down ceremony.. *sigh*
I'm seriously gonna miss my smart uniform. keke.. minus the shoes la. Look only nice wearing the shoes, but i tell you, suffer a lot ok!! And i think my toenails had gotten longer after a year wearing those heels.. Don't get it? then nvm. lol
Yeah, we officially stepped down on 27th of July 2007.
Early in the morning, went up the stage and lepak around the stage for the very last time.. and i got souvenir from my board =) keychain~
the one on the right is sfaye's.. so ignore hers. lol.
But before that, the elections of a whole brand new board of prefects 07/08. I seriously hope the school will stand strong enough to tahan the discipline next year. i mean.. without pn.siva, and pn.see tho.. tsk tsk.
I wish them the best of luck. the school really needs them..
and yeah.. our opening screwed up. The candles jus can't stay lit up! lol. so NVM. mine was ok and i was damn proud of it.. and right.. this evil sfaye my partner jus simply BLEW IT before i get the chance to blow it myself!! stupiak. what's the point of me protecting the damn candle la all this while!!! >.<
then.. then.. we sang MY WAY by Frank Sinatra. *sobs* i'm gonna rmb the song forever man!! ahahhahaah.. carries alot of memories that song. teehee~.
Then.. then.. we camwhored. alot. this only a part of it. malas wan upload. prefects who want the pics, do msg yeah. gimme cd and i'll burn it for u, but would prefer thumbdrive la.
Took some pics too after biology class. 5U's prefects =)
damn cute right???~~~
someone pls tell me why did i look at the wrong cam.. haih.
Had teknik menjawab for chem after school. Escaped from the hall early to eat @ KLCC with some prefects who agreed to hv lunch together...
Uh huh.. and.. *sigh* xde mood la!! mengada.. *sigh*
to my junior, haih.. no mood la wan say anything. thought of bloggin some msg out or stg here. to each and every prefects who had been close to me during the looong journey. but.. x sangka can affect so much after bloggin bout the stepping down.. jus do ur best kahyan. sigh
Then again.. a week had gone after i stepped down.. i still feel like im suppose to be at the stage.. i can't believe i'm leaving my seat at the stage, in front of "Vivian two". haih..
P.S: "Vivian two" is the maroon fan on the stage. its only called "Vivian two" when its at speed 3 k!
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